Jordan McLaughlin


Jordan McLaughlin founded his company, Rookie Mage Games, in 2018 to bring his passion for rambunctious fun to others.

Born and raised in Central Ohio, Jordan was the kid that organized the
superhero games at recess and made his cousins perform in plays he wrote (which they loved but refuse to admit it).

Jordan watched his first scary movie at a friend’s house when he was 14 (don’t tell his parents). He was instantly hooked and quickly became a fan of slasher flicks from the 80’s.

Jordan worked late evenings at the
public library to create his first game, DON’T GET STABBED! He designed the mechanics, created the artwork, and planned production himself.

After the success of Don't Get Stabbed, Jordan has dedicated himself to creating new and creative ways for friends and families to gather around a table and have some fun.

Jordan currently resides in New
Albany, Ohio with his husband Alex, who is really tired of being forced
to playtest new game ideas all the time.

Obi McLaughlin

Vice President of Snacks and Naps

Obi has been with Rookie Mage Games for almost his entire life. He makes sure the office is fully stocked with delicious treats. He also mandates a daily nap for everyone in his department (it's just him.) A stickler for quality control, Obi has been known to test our products' durability by chewing on boxes and cards.